
Welcome to

The U.S. EvangelicalChurch

In our world today, being an Evangelical can be thrown around as an insult, however, the meaning of Evangelical simply means “proclaimer of the Good News.”


Who We Are

The U.S. Evangelical Church

The Evangelical Church is an alliance of 75+ Churches across the United States that unite for mutual support in order to maximize Kingdom fruitfulness in every place. We have two regional Conferences/Districts which focus specifically on the support of the Local Church and its Pastor and Leaders. We desire to support healthy congregations, plant new Churches, and align with like-hearted Churches and Leaders across the Country. If you are interested in becoming an Evangelical Church, click here!

“People of the GOOD NEWS”

In our world today, being an Evangelical can be thrown around as an insult, however, the meaning of Evangelical simply means “proclaimer of the Good News.” As the Evangelical Church, we are not ashamed of the Good News (Romans 1:16), but rather we let it define us. We are people who have been redeemed by the work of Christ and want the world to know this same gift is available to every person. This “Good News” defines us, unites us, and mobilizes us on the Mission of Christ.


Our Purpose

The purpose of The Evangelical Church is to

  • Seek: Intercessory Prayer to God for the Lost

  • Sacrifice: Denying self and taking up one’s cross.

  • Share: The Gospel so that the lost might be saved.

  • Show: Believers the path to sanctified Spirit-filled life of Christ-like holiness.

  • Send: Laborers into the Harvest.

Find your Missionaries at World Partners

James and Jenny Wolheter

Liberia Evanglical

Bryan and Molly Canny

Brazil Evanglical


Spain Evanglical

Daniel and Naomi Elliott

India Evanglical


China Evanglical


Customer Reviews and Feedback

The Evangelical Church has truly been a blessing to my family. We feel loved and supported in our faith journey.

Sarah Johnson Partners

I found a renewed sense of purpose through the teachings and community at The Evangelical Church. It's a place where I feel at home.

Michael Davis Partners

The warmth and genuine care I experienced at The Evangelical Church have transformed my life. I am grateful for their ministry.

Emily Garcia Partners

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